It's funny ... I started blogging years ago and I really enjoyed it but gave it up because life got too busy. Now I'm sitting here in front of this screen with a desire to share a thought again.
My first blog in probably 7 years, and I chose to do it on the I Don't Know Jack site. What's so pressing in my head that I have to share?
Well ... yesterday I had both boys home (that's right ... there is a second one since I last did a blog) for the full day from school as it was a PA Day. We built a lego set together, we had lunch and supper on the deck together and we ran around outside together with a bit of time on the trampoline.Today, I was lucky enough to be off again and got to spend some quality time with my youngest. It was great. We went for ice cream, we jumped on the trampoline and we played with legos. (The trampoline thing almost killed me. I never knew how much energy that actually takes.) Each day finished with reading some books together and me reminding them how much I love them.
Now, I'd like to say this is a normal occurrence for me ... but I would be lying through my teeth. When I look back and think of all the potential time that I've missed with them, it makes me numb. But that doesn't mean that I still haven't had an impact on their lives. However, it is a great reminder that each moment we have with the people we love is precious and we need to make the most of our time.
When I think of all the times that I've wasted looking at something on my phone, or giving extra time doing stuff for work, I'm embarrassed. My wife has even prompted me on a number of occassions to keep in the moment and to make the most of it. (She's a very wise woman but don't tell her I said that. I'll deny everything.) But the whole reason I'm sharing this on here, is to remind myself to make the most of my current time and the time ahead of me. I can't get the time back behind me, but I can sure make the most of the time that I still have. Maybe someone reading this needs that reminder as well. Either way, I know that for me, I need to keep this front and centre in my thoughts.As for my boys, they are tucked into their beds with the knowledge that I love them very much. I'm grateful for them as they are a gift that has changed my life for the better. But tonight, I am going to cherish the last couple of days in my heart and strive to make the most of the days yet to come.
Will I always get it right? ... Probably not.
Am I going to do my best? You better believe it!
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